Zodiac Signs, what are they and how do they reflect me?

Zodiac Signs, what are they and how do they reflect me?

We’re sure you’ve heard of a Zodiac Sign before. But what does it actually mean? There are 12 Zodiac Signs – Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Everyone falls under at least one Zodiac Sign and sometimes there are certain people who are born on what is called a Cusp. This means that they fall on the day before or after the next Zodiac Sign. Sometimes these people can have similar traits to the next Zodiac Sign before or after theirs.

Zodiac signs are determined by the position of the Sun, which particular constellation it is in at the time of your birth. So to understand your Zodiac Sign all you need is your birth date. To look further into your Birth Chart, you will need your time and location of birth. There are many ways to research into your Birth Chart which will give you further information about your personality and how it is reflected by the Sun and Moon.

The Earth moves around the Sun in its orbit and each Zodiac Constellations will be hidden ‘behind’ the Sun at some point during the year. This determines which Zodiac you are. The Zodiacs are literally written in the stars.

There is an extremely extensive amount of research surrounding Zodiacs as their history dates back to as early as the 14 Century BC. There was a rhyme that has been created by a name named Isaac Watts to help remember the list of Zodiacs.

“The Ram, The Bull, The heavenly twins,
And next the crab, the lion shines,
The virgin and the scales,
The scorpion, archer, and the goat,
The man who holds the watering pot,
And the fish with glittering scales.”

You may read this and be confused as to why there are animals and archers being discussed? Well, each Zodiac has an animal which is used to represent each Zodiac. There are also different names used in Greek as well as other beliefs.

There is a whole world of information about the Zodiacs, each individual’s personality traits and even what crystal may be good in relation to their personalities. At Crystals and Flames we have made up our very own Zodiac Kits that have been made with extensive research to determine what crystals are most important for each sign. Each kit comes in a small bag with a brief description of what each crystal is and its properties as well as a handpicked tumbled stone by us.

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