Collection: Smudging

Smudging typically refers to the practice of burning herbs or other materials to cleanse a space, object, or person energetically. It's often used in spiritual or cultural rituals for purification. The most common herb used for smudging is white sage, but other herbs like cedar, sweetgrass, and palo santo are also used for this purpose. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to smudge:

Materials You'll Need:

  1. Smudging herb (e.g., white sage, cedar, sweetgrass, palo santo)
  2. Heat-resistant container (like an abalone shell or ceramic dish)
  3. Matches or a lighter
  4. Feather or fan (optional, for directing the smoke)


  1. Set Your Intention: Before you begin, it's helpful to set an intention for the smudging ritual. This could be a specific purpose such as clearing negative energy, inviting positivity, or creating a peaceful environment.

  2. Prepare Your Space: Ensure the area you're smudging is well-ventilated. Open windows and doors to allow the smoke and any negative energy to dissipate. Remove any clutter or unnecessary items from the space.

  3. Light the Herb: Hold the smudging herb (bundle or loose leaves) at the end away from your hand and light it using matches or a lighter. Allow it to catch fire and burn for a few seconds, then gently blow out the flame. You want the herb to smolder and release smoke.

  4. Use a Feather or Fan: If you have a feather or fan, you can gently wave it around the smudging herb to direct the smoke. This helps spread the smoke throughout the space and over the objects or people you're smudging.

  5. Begin Smudging: Starting at the entrance of the space, move in a clockwise direction (often considered the direction of positive energy flow) while gently waving the smudging herb. Allow the smoke to waft around the area, focusing on corners, doorways, and other areas where energy might be stagnant.

  6. Focus on Specific Areas: If there are specific areas, objects, or individuals you want to cleanse, guide the smoke towards them. You can also use your hands to "wash" the smoke over yourself or others.

  7. Express Gratitude: As you smudge, you can express gratitude, prayers, or intentions out loud or silently. This can further enhance the positive energy and intention of the ritual.

  8. Extinguish the Smudge: When you're finished smudging, gently press the smoldering herb against the container to extinguish the smoke. Ensure its fully out before leaving it unattended.

  9. Closing the Ritual: Once you've smudged the entire space, you can close the ritual by expressing gratitude for the cleansing and purification you've achieved. Some people choose to ring a bell or use another signal to mark the end of the ritual.

Remember, smudging is a sacred practice in many cultures, so it's important to approach it with respect and mindfulness. If you're not sure about the cultural significance or appropriateness of smudging in your specific context, it's a good idea to do some research or consult with knowledgeable individuals before proceeding.