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Crystals & Flames

Inner Child Kit

Inner Child Kit

Regular price $10.00
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Each crystal kit is tailored to your individual needs at the time. While crystals can be used for multiple situations, we have chosen a range of stones that we believe will best assist your situation.

We hope that the crystals within this kit help you reach your fullest potential, bringing you whatever you currently need in life.


Clear Quartz: The Amplifying stone. Clear quartz is essential when manifesting intentions. It encourages thought clarity and heightens the purpose in your heart and mind. It is a powerful stone for energy as it enhances all levels. Clear quartz helps to establish a strong, clear connection with what you desire making it a wonderful crystal to use during meditation, manifestation rituals and for everyday use with your crystals to amplify their healing properties.

Rose Quartz: The stone of universal Love. Rose Quartz promotes compassion, love and nurturing while also healing heartbreak and disappointment. It’s gentle light pink colour makes it the perfect stone for radiating empathy and showing the world your big beautiful heart. 

Carnelian: The motivation stone. Carnelian reactivates the mind and body. It soothes inflammation and over-active conditions as well as calming when needed. Carnelian supports positive life choices and helps you to become fully present. Carnelian encourages you to trust yourself, a perfect stone for assisting you in study, during exams or any decision making.

Dalmatian Jasper: Dalmatian Jasper helps to harmonize the emotions and assists in maintaining composure, even under the most difficult circumstances. Dalmatian Jasper is a wonderful piece to use when you want to review and reflect on past actions and decisions, so if a similar situation has presented itself, you will be prepared to make a more informed choice.

Orange Calcite: Orange Calcite is an incredibly energizing and cleansing stone, particularly for the lower chakras, or energy centers, concerned with our feelings of belonging in the world, being connected to others and the planet, and our creativity.

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