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Crystals & Flames

On The Spectrum Kit

On The Spectrum Kit

Regular price $17.00
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Each crystal kit is tailored to your individual needs at the time. While crystals can be used for multiple situations, we have chosen a range of stones that we believe will best assist your situation.

We hope that the crystals within this kit help you reach your fullest potential, bringing you whatever you currently need in life.


Angelite: The peaceful stone. Angelite creates a deep feeling of peace and tranquility. This stone helps connect to you spiritually. Angelite facilitates the rebirthing process, stimulates healing. A beautiful stone for healing trauma and beginning your journey on a new path.

Sodalite: The stone of alignment. Sodalite heals a troubled mind, releasing negative thoughts and behaviours that have become imprinted. This stone enhancing self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust. Sodalite brings emotional balance and creates harmony within, making it the perfect stone for accepting, releasing and healing. 

Clear Quartz: The Amplifying stone. Clear quartz is essential when manifesting intentions. It encourages thought clarity and heightens the purpose in your heart and mind. It is a powerful stone for energy as it enhances all levels. Clear quartz helps to establish a strong, clear connection with what you desire making it a wonderful crystal to use during meditation, manifestation rituals and for everyday use with your crystals to amplify their healing properties.

Smokey Quartz: The stone of grounding. Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and relieves stress while bringing emotional calmness to the mind. Smokey Quartz is the most effective grounding stone making it ideal for being an everyday companion.

EmeraldThe stone of love and friendship. Emerald opens your heart and allows love in abundance to fill up your spirit. It brings domestic bliss, loyalty enhancing unity and balance to relationships. Emerald provides strength to overcome the hurdles of life. A perfect stone for creating new friendships or manifesting relationships.

Amethyst: The balancing stone. Amethyst helps soothe stress, irritability and balances mood swings. It assists in dispelling anger, fear, and anxiety. Amethyst settles the mind, making it the perfect stone for confronting tricky situations. 

Fluorite: The learning stone. Rainbow Fluorite absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress. It is an excellent learning aid. Rainbow Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally. An amazing stone for studying, working or learning new skills that require hand eye coordination.

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