Self-Love Spell Kit
Self-Love Spell Kit
Show yourself the same amount of love & care you give to others. It’s time to heal and come back to your true self. It’s time to love you first.
Find a nice quiet and comfortable space. Light your Palo Santo Stick and cleanse the area, take 3 deep breaths in and out. Place on a fireproof dish and let it burn out. Light one of your spell candles (make sure it is in a holder).
Place in any order your Rose Quartz Chips and Self-Love Mix into empty jar. As you are doing this, think of all the love, light and positivity you want to give yourself. Say the Self- Love Spell while you are doing this.
Once Jar is full, place the cork back on top and seal with dripping wax from spell candle.
Once you have finished, re light Palo Santo and Cleanse yourself and the area.
Keep your jar next to your bed with Rose Quartz and Selenite.